lørdag 16. april 2011

A little support and encouragement

The grand master!

It is so easy to let the aspects take over and make you belive that you are small, lacking energy, lacking wisdom, not being good enough or allowing yourself to be manipulated (again).
But in your core you know so well  your I Am. You are just playing along with the ego, the aspects when they pretend to be overwhelmed or closed off from your mastery.

There are myriades of life expressions, so many grand and so many seemingly insignificant lives that have been lived on planet earth. All is coded in, all is there in the hall of records, in the akashic records, and will not get lost. You need not connect to it all. It is best to live in the now and live conciously and then all you need to know will come to you in its appropriate time. Of course you love mysteries, and you enjoy playing with your big puzzle, seeing each little bit finding its place on the big board as you rediscover them. This curiousity has made you come to where you are today and is a great asset! It has kept you constantly moving forward, not getting stuck in the old matrix, not believing all the lies and the manipulations.

You have always kept in touch with your inner core even if you seemingly have lived in the duality and behind the veil with all the others. This is what you wanted, to be unconspicous and live a life of an «ordinary» human. This was partly for protection, and partly to remind yourself of the human experience. Do not be afraid of your own power, focus again on empowering yourself. Nobody is going to steal your power away from you and abuse it or use it for their own purpose, as you have experienced earlier.

The universe is supporting you this time. You can stay in your own intergity, and you are a soverreign being. You stay in your unified heart and you can use all your skills and powers as a creator of the new earth. Dream your greatest dreams, create what you want for yourself. You can do it! It is all about rediscovering what you already know. You have always felt this when there has beeen talk of initiations, that this is something you have already done, and you dont need many lifetimes to reach the higher levels of initiation or ascension.

It is hard swiching back and forth between multidimensional living and working and operating daily in the 3 D world. This puts a strain on you. Try to not be triggered into the old patterns of reacting, and to be influenced by the conciousness of the others. Keep your calm and remember that you hold a great light that the others should be allowed to see and feel. Be all that you are, shine you light also in the 3 D world. This will be a great help for others.

But do take time to look after yourself and to listen to your needs. Do not feel guilty for doing this. It is of the utmost importance. Just allow yourself that which you feel you need at the moment. Just accept that you may move back and forth a bit. It takes some getting used to this new form of living within a human body. Use your natural curiousity and your love for mysteries to find your way in this new landscape. As a creator of new worlds, as the alchymist. Creating with the heart!

fredag 1. april 2011

Connecting with nature

In your connection with this magnificent planet of ours there is not just the one being, Gaia, Mother Earth, that you should seek contact with. Do not forget all the elemental beings that surround you. They are everywhere, and they so want to play and work together with you. They operate on every possible level, and vary in size from the gigantic devas of the various continents and nations to the tiniest little fairies and flower elfs.

For you to take guardianship of your planet Earth you have to know, and love and work in close contact with all these energies that are here to bring life and light into every piece of creation. They help you take care of your creations, but they are not your masters even if they may be of great size and power. It is you, the human angel, who are returning as the masters of these forces.

There are of course the 4 elements and their immense importance for the Earth. You are learning to speak with the water elementals and to send your love and gratitude to the water that is so important to your existence. You know the power of water when you observe the effects of the tsunamies, and know that floods can wash away whole land areas. This is a result of the water interacting with the air element and the earth element. When the earth itself starts to move it affects the waters to, and you know how the great winds, the tornados and hurricanes also cause an upset of the water.

All is interrelated and all elements will strive towards harmony and coexcitence. But when there is an imbalance in one of these elements all will be affected. This is not to say that you should strive to stop any kind of reaction or upheaval of the elements. There are many natural and necessary reactions. Everything and everyone is in motion, everything is constantly changing, and if it was not all would become stagnant and would decay and die. Therefore you may look towards how the indigenous people worked with the elements, with respect and with an effort to cooperate and to work in partnership with nature.

It is not up to each and every one of you to try to influence the natural movements of the elements. If you try you would probably to more damage than good. In a community that works and functions as a harmonious entity, each and every one has talents and resources to contibute. Not every one could or should be the artist, the healer or the weather man. We all have our grand part to play. Therefore your best advice is to not try to interfere with the movements that are going on right now, but simply to focus on keeping your own energies at the highest level and filling your heart with love and gratitude, and compassion for those people or ares that may become affected by the movements.

The same way that a woman giving birth will feel comforted by a companion who is there for her, calm and loving, present and encouraging, so will your presence and loving focus upon the the earth be of assistance. When nature works in its optimal way, a birth is a natural prosess that just develops in a smooth and natural manner. When there is no fear, just joy and expectancy the mother relaxes and her muscles work in the way that they are supposed to. When the mother can turn inward and listen to her own body and let the perfect intelligence of the human body lead the way, the birth can be an utterly loving and amazing experience. Pain is just a matter of definition, and can be experienced as sensations. 

The interference of doctors and medicine have made giving birth into something unnatural. They, the doctors, can of course at times be crucially needed and can save lives, but we will have to trust that there are divine «doctors» that will aid Gaia and also tell us what to do if needed. So in the same way that your body, the body of a woman giving birth , knows exactly what to do at the right moment, so the parts of the earths body, and the elements, also know how to help with the shift in a natural manner. It was our misguided attempts to manipulate the elements that brought Atlantis to its fall, so this time just let us chooses LOVE.

With the love of Gaia and the elemental kingdom pouring over you through this momentous time in history.