søndag 20. mars 2011

Ode to the Earth

Spring Equinox 2011

Blessed earth, I sing your praise! You have given us life! You have protected us and sustained us! You have filled our life with wonderous beauty! From the small buds that grow out of your soil, from the leaves of grass to the great big forests and jungles, you have given us the green, that gives us our food, our houses and our source of heat and fire. Together with this vegetation you have given us all the colours of the rainbow showing up in all the exquisite flowers that give us joy and beauty!

And then there is water! What would we be without water? It is what our bodies for the most part consists of, and what we need each day to sustain and renew ourselves. The water has given us the means to travel far and wide in our boats, it has provided nourishment for our plants and crops to grow so that we could feed ourselves. It has cleansed our bodies and souls, and been the carrier of all our emotions.

The rocks and the mountains have given us solid foundations and given us challenges to climb so that we could feel closer to our homes in the other dimensions and given us an overwiew of our world. The mountains have helped raise our vibrations.

Like an everloving mother you have been there providing for us at all times! We thank thee our beloved Earth and together we will now take the next step into the future which holds a new greatness for both earth and humankind.

Like the loving, compassionate mother you have received our blood, sweath and tears, together with all our toxins and and mismanagement of your resourses. Again and again you have taken these energies and transformed them, let them rest in your body till the time was ready to clear them out. You have kept our secrets in your interior. You have kept our divine knowledge safe until the time where we could again be trusted with this knowledge. We thank you again for this, for your unconditional love.

We rejoyce in your splendour, your beauty, and we are getting ready to step up and take the responsibility for our planet and to return thousandfold the love we have received!
With our deepest love and gratitude we move as one into our future as an enlightened planet with an enligthened humankind, the New Earth!

mandag 14. mars 2011

Creators of the great unknown

You are experiencing great changes on earth right now, and you would like some answers as to what next, where and when? You ask for input on this from your past and future self, but I Thoth come to you to tell you that this in many ways now is in your hands. No, you are not alone, but now is the time for you to believe in and to use you magic. Now is the time to use your powers of imagination and see the future that you want for yourself and the world. To be creative and to send forth your thoughts and your words for others too to read and experience. You are God also, you are the creators, you are here at this time not just to lean back in your chair looking at the present as if you are watching a film at the cinema. You are the moviemakers, you are the creators.

Start empowering yourself and others to be the new creator gods. When the releasing has been done, and the heart is opened and your connections to who you really are again established, you are ready to take on the mantel and be the magician, the alchymist, the creator. Bring forth the visions of how you want your world to develop, how you would like your paradise. Create images of your new earth and breathe life into them. A new earth based on freedom and joy, love and compassion. Do not just sit by waiting for the next earthquake.
You may connect with me for support in your undertakings, and you will always get assistence, but the power has been handed to you and you must take it and use it wisely through the next phases of this prosess. Because you are the ones who are now making history, and making your dreams come through.

Your ever loving teacher,

søndag 13. mars 2011

The Present Time

You are living in a time of tremendous change and development.
This really is the time that you have been waiting for, for the whole of this lifetime, and for so many prevous lifetimes.
At last it is possible for you to break out of the shackles that have tied you down; that has held you back, clouded your vision, and in so many ways prevented and denied you the gift of knowing who you really are whilst in a human body.
You can feel the shift affecting your body and affecting Mother Earth. It is so important now to cherish and take care of both your own physical body and that of your great Mother Earth. To treat yourself as if you are a woman carrying child, heavy with the new life growing within.
The time is approaching the birth of the new child, and it is important that you are in perfect balance, that you fill yourself with loving feelings, thoughts and actions.
Take time for yourself, be totally in yourself, listening to the signals coming from within. Do not let the outside world disturb you. Be like a woman giving birth!
Let your own heartbeat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth guide you. Just flow with the feelings. Do not figth the flow of nature.
Trust your body! The bodys inner wisdom knows exactly how to deal with these tremendous energies flowing through it.
Just breathe and trust, and rest assured that the outcome of this birth prosess, this transition, is an amazing, beautiful new child, - a new world.
Let love guide you all the way. The love for yourself, the love for Mother Earth, and for all life.
There is no way that this can go wrong, or that you can fail your mission, as you have feared previously.
This «birth», this shift, will actually be the most amazingly smooth, loving and natural prosess due to the fact that you have done such a wonderful job at preparing it, - at preparing yourself.
For it is the work that you have done with and within yourself that has energetically prepared this shift happening now in the way it does.
You are the Masters! You are the Champions! You are the ones that will be celebrated in the Halls of Light when you return to meet us in the higher realms.
You are the strongest of the strong that the ancients spoke of, the rainbow warriors, the tribe of many colours, the Warriors of Light. You have been called many things.
But there is still no way that we can make you really understand the importance of what you have actually done and achieved.
You have felt invisible and insignificant, you have felt like an outsider and a troublemaker.
You are actually the Lighthouse showing the way in the storm. You have been standing tall, shining your light, not hiding from the rain, the wind, or the thounderous waves. On a calm and sunny day the Lighthouse do not seem that important, but in the dark and stormy night it is the wayshower and the lifesaver.
My precious ones, the time is now for you to love yourself for who you are. Accept our love and admiration, and feel our everlasting support and presence by your side. There is really nothing that you have to achieve, there is no struggle to go through, - it is just about trusting and allowing, and being aware and present with yourself, living from the heart.

We stand in awe around you,
the Archangels, Mother Mary and Mother Earth