søndag 13. mars 2011

The Present Time

You are living in a time of tremendous change and development.
This really is the time that you have been waiting for, for the whole of this lifetime, and for so many prevous lifetimes.
At last it is possible for you to break out of the shackles that have tied you down; that has held you back, clouded your vision, and in so many ways prevented and denied you the gift of knowing who you really are whilst in a human body.
You can feel the shift affecting your body and affecting Mother Earth. It is so important now to cherish and take care of both your own physical body and that of your great Mother Earth. To treat yourself as if you are a woman carrying child, heavy with the new life growing within.
The time is approaching the birth of the new child, and it is important that you are in perfect balance, that you fill yourself with loving feelings, thoughts and actions.
Take time for yourself, be totally in yourself, listening to the signals coming from within. Do not let the outside world disturb you. Be like a woman giving birth!
Let your own heartbeat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth guide you. Just flow with the feelings. Do not figth the flow of nature.
Trust your body! The bodys inner wisdom knows exactly how to deal with these tremendous energies flowing through it.
Just breathe and trust, and rest assured that the outcome of this birth prosess, this transition, is an amazing, beautiful new child, - a new world.
Let love guide you all the way. The love for yourself, the love for Mother Earth, and for all life.
There is no way that this can go wrong, or that you can fail your mission, as you have feared previously.
This «birth», this shift, will actually be the most amazingly smooth, loving and natural prosess due to the fact that you have done such a wonderful job at preparing it, - at preparing yourself.
For it is the work that you have done with and within yourself that has energetically prepared this shift happening now in the way it does.
You are the Masters! You are the Champions! You are the ones that will be celebrated in the Halls of Light when you return to meet us in the higher realms.
You are the strongest of the strong that the ancients spoke of, the rainbow warriors, the tribe of many colours, the Warriors of Light. You have been called many things.
But there is still no way that we can make you really understand the importance of what you have actually done and achieved.
You have felt invisible and insignificant, you have felt like an outsider and a troublemaker.
You are actually the Lighthouse showing the way in the storm. You have been standing tall, shining your light, not hiding from the rain, the wind, or the thounderous waves. On a calm and sunny day the Lighthouse do not seem that important, but in the dark and stormy night it is the wayshower and the lifesaver.
My precious ones, the time is now for you to love yourself for who you are. Accept our love and admiration, and feel our everlasting support and presence by your side. There is really nothing that you have to achieve, there is no struggle to go through, - it is just about trusting and allowing, and being aware and present with yourself, living from the heart.

We stand in awe around you,
the Archangels, Mother Mary and Mother Earth

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