tirsdag 29. november 2011

The Flow of Prosperity

My dear one,

I, the goddess Lakshmi, have come to you to give you some advice on your issues concerning abundance and prosperity. Feel into my flow of all that brings beauty and pleasure in this world. I bring in to your life all the pleasures that make this existence so wonderful, so worth coming back for, time and time again. You see me surrounded by flowers, by colours, by nature, by animals and music, and first and foremost by love.

There was a lifetime, several lifetimes, that seem to come up and make things a little bit difficult for you in regards to achieving abundance in this life. You have the right attitudes to wealth and money in so many ways. You have a light hearted approach which is so important, and you let money flow, not letting it get stuck. You know the importance of giving yourself gifts, and surrounding yourself with beautiful things that make your soul sing and lifts you up. However I see that there are lifetimes in this continent of mine, this country of mine, that seem to bring up the last hurdles. Lifetimes connected to the sacrifice of all wordly goods and pleasures keep playing their tune deep in your unconscious. To achieve full spiritual depth, to become enlightened, to be the spiritual leader of this country, or continent, you let go of everything.

Your religion told us that you did not need, should not need, anything of material value. Of course this is true in the deepest sense. All that you need of love and beauty and richness is found and already provided for us on this wonderful Earth, and is offered to us all. In the ideal world, that once was created and that you are now bringing back, this is so. However forces in your world have been at play to deny the majority af people the beauty and the abundance of your Earth. The injustice of this has also been a source of grief and worry for you in many lifetimes, where you sacrificed your wealth in solidarity with those who had nothing.

Now it is time to come to terms with those aspects and lifetimes that said that a spiritual person should not own anything. Now is the time to let in the abundance to your life, to honour yourself as the magnificent being that you are, and to receive all that is to have and experience in this life time, this extraordinary lifetime. You will be given all that you need and more too, so that you can be an example to others in how to fulfill your dreams and also in how to share with others without taking on others' suffering. Use your creativity, follow your passions, let the energies serve you, and get ready to receive with an open heart and open arms. Remember to give on to others all the time. The same way that money should always flow freely, so should love and compassion, beauty and wisdom. This is part of the teachings of your great Master Yeshua, the Christ conciousness: Give and you shall receive!

So it is my beautiful one! Receive my words and my love and honour, and remember that you are truly blessed!

torsdag 26. mai 2011

The Divine Feminine

Ave Maria

You are feeling the presence of the divine feminine. The softness, the beauty, the compassion. There is a mildness and grace that soothes away worries and troubles. The veil is draped around the head and shoulders. Kwan Yin is here also. It is an expression of protection and love that surrounds and supports.
Today this feminine energy wants to speak to you about the children.

Being mothers we know how close to your heart the children are. Our love towards them are also like the veil, sourrounding and supporting. In your heart you feel the vulnerability of the small child. You know of the pain and hurt a child can experience. You know also of how the child can experience being totally alone with its pain, not being seen or comforted by a loving, caring adult.

This knowledge of yours have made you so sensitive to childrens needs, and has at times lead you to feel that you had to fight for the hurt child(ren). Of course it was your own inner, hurt child that gave you this knowledge and sensitivity. You knew how deeply wounded a child could feel. Your own unresolved pain made you want to protect all children from experiencing this. It also was a way to both deal with and escape from your own wounds. You became a very lonely child. This also resulted in a deep anger, a need to fight for yourself and what you stand for. 

The lost children of Christ. 

Tobias has told you how this wound was a common, shared wound in your group. It was also connected to your feelings of being so different from others, from your parents, your family. Your feelings of being unloved. The feeling of being abandoned by God, of being thrown out from Home.

It is time to heal the last and final scars of this wound. It is time to let the divine feminine unite with the divine masculine, so that the male and female can balance and blend together in a unity that produces the divine child, the child that is loved beyond measure. Breathe into this feeling of being Gods most cherished and adored child. The divine child, the Christed child, that all come to see, and adore. 

You are truly Gods child, the expression of the unity beetween the divine feminine and the divine masculine expressions or aspects of the God source. Just breathe and receive all this love. Feel it surrounding you, filling up your whole energy field. Know that this is given by the universe to all the children that are born, and that they can tap into it at all times. Let us help the children to stay open to receive this love. Let us tell them and show them that they are worthy of this love always!

Let Love fill you up, and let it flow through you and out to all that you meet and that surrounds you.

lørdag 16. april 2011

A little support and encouragement

The grand master!

It is so easy to let the aspects take over and make you belive that you are small, lacking energy, lacking wisdom, not being good enough or allowing yourself to be manipulated (again).
But in your core you know so well  your I Am. You are just playing along with the ego, the aspects when they pretend to be overwhelmed or closed off from your mastery.

There are myriades of life expressions, so many grand and so many seemingly insignificant lives that have been lived on planet earth. All is coded in, all is there in the hall of records, in the akashic records, and will not get lost. You need not connect to it all. It is best to live in the now and live conciously and then all you need to know will come to you in its appropriate time. Of course you love mysteries, and you enjoy playing with your big puzzle, seeing each little bit finding its place on the big board as you rediscover them. This curiousity has made you come to where you are today and is a great asset! It has kept you constantly moving forward, not getting stuck in the old matrix, not believing all the lies and the manipulations.

You have always kept in touch with your inner core even if you seemingly have lived in the duality and behind the veil with all the others. This is what you wanted, to be unconspicous and live a life of an «ordinary» human. This was partly for protection, and partly to remind yourself of the human experience. Do not be afraid of your own power, focus again on empowering yourself. Nobody is going to steal your power away from you and abuse it or use it for their own purpose, as you have experienced earlier.

The universe is supporting you this time. You can stay in your own intergity, and you are a soverreign being. You stay in your unified heart and you can use all your skills and powers as a creator of the new earth. Dream your greatest dreams, create what you want for yourself. You can do it! It is all about rediscovering what you already know. You have always felt this when there has beeen talk of initiations, that this is something you have already done, and you dont need many lifetimes to reach the higher levels of initiation or ascension.

It is hard swiching back and forth between multidimensional living and working and operating daily in the 3 D world. This puts a strain on you. Try to not be triggered into the old patterns of reacting, and to be influenced by the conciousness of the others. Keep your calm and remember that you hold a great light that the others should be allowed to see and feel. Be all that you are, shine you light also in the 3 D world. This will be a great help for others.

But do take time to look after yourself and to listen to your needs. Do not feel guilty for doing this. It is of the utmost importance. Just allow yourself that which you feel you need at the moment. Just accept that you may move back and forth a bit. It takes some getting used to this new form of living within a human body. Use your natural curiousity and your love for mysteries to find your way in this new landscape. As a creator of new worlds, as the alchymist. Creating with the heart!

fredag 1. april 2011

Connecting with nature

In your connection with this magnificent planet of ours there is not just the one being, Gaia, Mother Earth, that you should seek contact with. Do not forget all the elemental beings that surround you. They are everywhere, and they so want to play and work together with you. They operate on every possible level, and vary in size from the gigantic devas of the various continents and nations to the tiniest little fairies and flower elfs.

For you to take guardianship of your planet Earth you have to know, and love and work in close contact with all these energies that are here to bring life and light into every piece of creation. They help you take care of your creations, but they are not your masters even if they may be of great size and power. It is you, the human angel, who are returning as the masters of these forces.

There are of course the 4 elements and their immense importance for the Earth. You are learning to speak with the water elementals and to send your love and gratitude to the water that is so important to your existence. You know the power of water when you observe the effects of the tsunamies, and know that floods can wash away whole land areas. This is a result of the water interacting with the air element and the earth element. When the earth itself starts to move it affects the waters to, and you know how the great winds, the tornados and hurricanes also cause an upset of the water.

All is interrelated and all elements will strive towards harmony and coexcitence. But when there is an imbalance in one of these elements all will be affected. This is not to say that you should strive to stop any kind of reaction or upheaval of the elements. There are many natural and necessary reactions. Everything and everyone is in motion, everything is constantly changing, and if it was not all would become stagnant and would decay and die. Therefore you may look towards how the indigenous people worked with the elements, with respect and with an effort to cooperate and to work in partnership with nature.

It is not up to each and every one of you to try to influence the natural movements of the elements. If you try you would probably to more damage than good. In a community that works and functions as a harmonious entity, each and every one has talents and resources to contibute. Not every one could or should be the artist, the healer or the weather man. We all have our grand part to play. Therefore your best advice is to not try to interfere with the movements that are going on right now, but simply to focus on keeping your own energies at the highest level and filling your heart with love and gratitude, and compassion for those people or ares that may become affected by the movements.

The same way that a woman giving birth will feel comforted by a companion who is there for her, calm and loving, present and encouraging, so will your presence and loving focus upon the the earth be of assistance. When nature works in its optimal way, a birth is a natural prosess that just develops in a smooth and natural manner. When there is no fear, just joy and expectancy the mother relaxes and her muscles work in the way that they are supposed to. When the mother can turn inward and listen to her own body and let the perfect intelligence of the human body lead the way, the birth can be an utterly loving and amazing experience. Pain is just a matter of definition, and can be experienced as sensations. 

The interference of doctors and medicine have made giving birth into something unnatural. They, the doctors, can of course at times be crucially needed and can save lives, but we will have to trust that there are divine «doctors» that will aid Gaia and also tell us what to do if needed. So in the same way that your body, the body of a woman giving birth , knows exactly what to do at the right moment, so the parts of the earths body, and the elements, also know how to help with the shift in a natural manner. It was our misguided attempts to manipulate the elements that brought Atlantis to its fall, so this time just let us chooses LOVE.

With the love of Gaia and the elemental kingdom pouring over you through this momentous time in history.

søndag 20. mars 2011

Ode to the Earth

Spring Equinox 2011

Blessed earth, I sing your praise! You have given us life! You have protected us and sustained us! You have filled our life with wonderous beauty! From the small buds that grow out of your soil, from the leaves of grass to the great big forests and jungles, you have given us the green, that gives us our food, our houses and our source of heat and fire. Together with this vegetation you have given us all the colours of the rainbow showing up in all the exquisite flowers that give us joy and beauty!

And then there is water! What would we be without water? It is what our bodies for the most part consists of, and what we need each day to sustain and renew ourselves. The water has given us the means to travel far and wide in our boats, it has provided nourishment for our plants and crops to grow so that we could feed ourselves. It has cleansed our bodies and souls, and been the carrier of all our emotions.

The rocks and the mountains have given us solid foundations and given us challenges to climb so that we could feel closer to our homes in the other dimensions and given us an overwiew of our world. The mountains have helped raise our vibrations.

Like an everloving mother you have been there providing for us at all times! We thank thee our beloved Earth and together we will now take the next step into the future which holds a new greatness for both earth and humankind.

Like the loving, compassionate mother you have received our blood, sweath and tears, together with all our toxins and and mismanagement of your resourses. Again and again you have taken these energies and transformed them, let them rest in your body till the time was ready to clear them out. You have kept our secrets in your interior. You have kept our divine knowledge safe until the time where we could again be trusted with this knowledge. We thank you again for this, for your unconditional love.

We rejoyce in your splendour, your beauty, and we are getting ready to step up and take the responsibility for our planet and to return thousandfold the love we have received!
With our deepest love and gratitude we move as one into our future as an enlightened planet with an enligthened humankind, the New Earth!

mandag 14. mars 2011

Creators of the great unknown

You are experiencing great changes on earth right now, and you would like some answers as to what next, where and when? You ask for input on this from your past and future self, but I Thoth come to you to tell you that this in many ways now is in your hands. No, you are not alone, but now is the time for you to believe in and to use you magic. Now is the time to use your powers of imagination and see the future that you want for yourself and the world. To be creative and to send forth your thoughts and your words for others too to read and experience. You are God also, you are the creators, you are here at this time not just to lean back in your chair looking at the present as if you are watching a film at the cinema. You are the moviemakers, you are the creators.

Start empowering yourself and others to be the new creator gods. When the releasing has been done, and the heart is opened and your connections to who you really are again established, you are ready to take on the mantel and be the magician, the alchymist, the creator. Bring forth the visions of how you want your world to develop, how you would like your paradise. Create images of your new earth and breathe life into them. A new earth based on freedom and joy, love and compassion. Do not just sit by waiting for the next earthquake.
You may connect with me for support in your undertakings, and you will always get assistence, but the power has been handed to you and you must take it and use it wisely through the next phases of this prosess. Because you are the ones who are now making history, and making your dreams come through.

Your ever loving teacher,

søndag 13. mars 2011

The Present Time

You are living in a time of tremendous change and development.
This really is the time that you have been waiting for, for the whole of this lifetime, and for so many prevous lifetimes.
At last it is possible for you to break out of the shackles that have tied you down; that has held you back, clouded your vision, and in so many ways prevented and denied you the gift of knowing who you really are whilst in a human body.
You can feel the shift affecting your body and affecting Mother Earth. It is so important now to cherish and take care of both your own physical body and that of your great Mother Earth. To treat yourself as if you are a woman carrying child, heavy with the new life growing within.
The time is approaching the birth of the new child, and it is important that you are in perfect balance, that you fill yourself with loving feelings, thoughts and actions.
Take time for yourself, be totally in yourself, listening to the signals coming from within. Do not let the outside world disturb you. Be like a woman giving birth!
Let your own heartbeat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth guide you. Just flow with the feelings. Do not figth the flow of nature.
Trust your body! The bodys inner wisdom knows exactly how to deal with these tremendous energies flowing through it.
Just breathe and trust, and rest assured that the outcome of this birth prosess, this transition, is an amazing, beautiful new child, - a new world.
Let love guide you all the way. The love for yourself, the love for Mother Earth, and for all life.
There is no way that this can go wrong, or that you can fail your mission, as you have feared previously.
This «birth», this shift, will actually be the most amazingly smooth, loving and natural prosess due to the fact that you have done such a wonderful job at preparing it, - at preparing yourself.
For it is the work that you have done with and within yourself that has energetically prepared this shift happening now in the way it does.
You are the Masters! You are the Champions! You are the ones that will be celebrated in the Halls of Light when you return to meet us in the higher realms.
You are the strongest of the strong that the ancients spoke of, the rainbow warriors, the tribe of many colours, the Warriors of Light. You have been called many things.
But there is still no way that we can make you really understand the importance of what you have actually done and achieved.
You have felt invisible and insignificant, you have felt like an outsider and a troublemaker.
You are actually the Lighthouse showing the way in the storm. You have been standing tall, shining your light, not hiding from the rain, the wind, or the thounderous waves. On a calm and sunny day the Lighthouse do not seem that important, but in the dark and stormy night it is the wayshower and the lifesaver.
My precious ones, the time is now for you to love yourself for who you are. Accept our love and admiration, and feel our everlasting support and presence by your side. There is really nothing that you have to achieve, there is no struggle to go through, - it is just about trusting and allowing, and being aware and present with yourself, living from the heart.

We stand in awe around you,
the Archangels, Mother Mary and Mother Earth

onsdag 23. februar 2011

A visit to Shambala

I sit in meditation and after connecting with the earths inner heart center and the great cosmic heart I contact my pakauwa. The first time for a long while. What comes to me is an enormous elephant.
I am on top of it in a split second, being carried through the lush green landscape in a slow and wonderfully comfortable, swaying way. I feel as if I am a great Maharaja, or am I an Indian prinsess, beautifuly clothed and veiled? I realize that I am sitting on top of the elephant together with my twin flame. There is a deep, almost overwhelming love and we are sitting there intertwined. Are we two people, or is it the perfect union of my being, the sacred marriage of the masculine and feminine parts of my celestial being, my I Am.The elephant is still moving forward, as I am seated on top watching how the people are throwing flower petals on the road in front of me. I feel a sense of great dignity, and I am being honoured.

I see the big mountains of the Himalaya approaching and then I am seated on the back of an enourmous bird. The elephant changes into this bird? I am flying high up in the mountains, and I am landing in Shambala again. I am received in a great big hall. There are pillars of gold and crystals. It is magnificent. I feel as if I have a great big cape hanging from my back, but realize that it must be my wings. I kneel in front of the great Lord seated at the top, and he makes me stand up again and be seated at the round table that is there. I am celebrated and I am asked to tell about all my experiences from Earth. I feel comfortable being here now. I see the great eye, the eye of Horus lighting up in front of me. I come here to get assistance with a download of energies and with rejuvenation. I am having a «Shaumbra service center spa treatment».

I hug all my friends before I leave and I am brought back to my elephant who carries me on through the beautiful landscape which I am enjoying and admiring. We come to the water and the elephant goes into it and give us a wonderful refreshing shower. My elephant, Mumta, takes me back to the palace looking like the Taj Mahal, where my love and I watch a magnificent sunset.

fredag 18. februar 2011

In the Light of Love


Beautiful song with Deva Premal and Miten. 

In the Light of Love We are Whole.
In the Light of Love We are Home. 
In the Light of Love We Heal and Sing.

torsdag 17. februar 2011

Music for a thousand lifetimes


Concierto de Aranjuez, by Joaquin Rodrigo

All these lives, all these aspects coming in, wanting to be reunited, wanting to be loved, wanting to come to peace with my soul! So many emotions, so many loves, so many sorrows, so many passions.

Aranjuez, you say it all, you express it all in the most amazing piece of music. Always touching my heart so deeply. From the softest, most tender to the most passionate and heartbreaking!

Aranjuez, a tale of lost loves and broken dreams, but also of the highest hopes and visions!
A piece of music to take us into many different dimensions!

tirsdag 15. februar 2011

The Love Avalanche

There are moments now that you feel your brain, your mind has taken a vacation, and you are not quite sure where it went and when it will return. This is a wonderful thing to be celebrated actually, even if you feel a bit confused and bewildered. You are after all supposed to function in your job, or you have lots of things to deal with. You are of course perfectly fine, and just where you are supposed to be, as you really know very well when you feel into it. Just trust your body, stay in it and love it. You feel as if your body is expanding, and it certainly is, but don`t worry about the weight part of it. There is a tremendous amount of light that you have to download and transform at this time and your body is doing a great job of it. You feel as if you are just floating away at times, but it is important that you make sure you stay in your body. As it is through your physical vessel that you are ensuring that the light and love frequencies are truly anchored in the Earth and creating this new Earth that we have been waiting for.

You are experiencing great solar flares right now. Welcome the assistance that you are getting. It is creating shock waves of energy that influences all life on Earth, and of course yourself. But welcome them as great catalysts and transformers. You have the sun within the earth and you have your sun in the sky that are both sending forth waves of energy. Harmonize with them. Trust your body. Release. Breathe. You are feeling the energy of love and compassion stronger and stronger around yourselves. Yesterday you experienced a Love Day, Valentines day, and you felt how the (inter)net of light workers all over the globe increased the love frequency as they sent love messages to each other all across the world. It was compared to an avalanche, an avalanche of love. You can no longer hold it back, you can no longer hide or try to control the pace of evolution, the pace at which you are developing. Now just try to lean back, to stay calm and balanced and enjoy the ride.

Feel the presence of the ones that are assisting you, and feel their joy and laughter. They can hardly contain themselves, their happiness overflowing. The ride may still be a bit bumpy for you, but the more you resist, the harder the bumps will feel. If you can try to flow with it, the bumps will seem so much smoother, just giving you a thrill in fact. (Lol) Compare it to an activity that you enjoy doing, if it is flying, driving a fast car or sitting in a rollercoaster. Feel the freedom!! Act like the Fool in the Tarot, trusting that life will support him as he sets out on new adventures, taking a leap, jumping off into the unknown.

You are loved immensely and given all the support that you need and ask for.


torsdag 10. februar 2011

The Cosmic Heart

The message today is one of love. Feel the love pouring into your energy field right now! Feel the love that is pouring into the earth right now! Receive this love and let it guide you and help you to love yourself even deeper.

Reach out your arms and let us all hold hands and unite around the world. Feel how our hands meet and how we expand our energies to encompass the whole of our planet Earth, and how we even stretch out into the universe and into the other dimensions to join hands and let the love, the oneness energy, the unity consciousness, expand and encompass all. Let this love and unity consciousness expel the pain, the fighting , the despair and misery of people still submerged in old consciousness. Let us send out this energy like tentacles reaching out to all dark places and help to open up for the light that is about to flow into the whole of the universe.

Lightbearer rejoice, Warrior of Light rest and feel joy. You have done what you came here to do, and just by being yourself you are now ensuring that the prosess you birthed is evolving according to the most perfect plan and potential.
Rejoice now and let the spirit of this magic fill up your day. You are highly loved and we are one.

onsdag 9. februar 2011

Becoming one

In the stillness, listening to the sounds of the universe.
Like giant waves, reaching my ears, my whole body.
To reach the zero point, the still point, where nothing is, where everything is.
Like walking into a room that is at once both clearly defined,
and at the same time has no borders, no limits.
The room is within yourself, and the room is all there is.
There is no time but NOW.

Giant waves washing against my inner ear.
The energies filling me up, expanding.
Expanding outside my physical body, growing, expanding ever further.
Bursting out like a shooting star into the universe.
Reaching out, travelling far, light-years away.
There, - out there, - the energy finds a piece of my heart.
There it was, left there eons of time ago.

The piece that was missing in my heart.
Suddenly it is brought back into my body,
retrieved by the expanding energy reaching out to the stars.

Being a star, I Am a star.
United again in this physical body.
An achievement that has taken thousands of years,
and efforts beyond belief.
United in the Heart!

Finding again my true self, my spirit.
Healing all the wounds.
Healing all duality.
I have only myself,
and it is all that I need,
for inside me is the entire universe.

Spirit, rest safely in this body!
We will nourish and support each other for eternity.
Live, love and be free!

She who is remembering

fredag 4. februar 2011

Welcome to my place of divine magic

As we are entering the era of awakenening and enlightenment on planet Earth, I want to share with all, the inspirations and creations that I manifest.

It is with great joy and delight that I now create this place to meet fellow travellers in these exceptional and transforming times on Earth.

Oh Be Ahn, fellow time travellers!